Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Yard Work With Sparklers

We took advantage of the warm weather yesterday evening and did some more work outside prepping the vegetable garden and moving the firewood stack. B was a great helper! Afterwards we enjoyed sparklers...just for fun! :-)

First Overnight!

Our first overnight visit went very well! Friday evening after dinner we had a family movie night with popcorn, then Saturday morning the girls and I had fun with hair and nails while the boys played in the backyard. We all headed to the park for a picnic lunch and more playtime together that afternoon. It was a great day! (Sorry I don't have more pictures to share right now...the ones I took all contain faces! ;-)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Ministry

I often struggle with thoughts that I could be doing more for/in God's kingdom than I am, but I can't figure out what else to do. I 100% believe that motherhood is a ministry, and that in this season of life it is my main one. I believe that serving my family is serving Jesus. I believe that nurturing my children is kingdom building. It just doesn't look like it matters much in in the midst of the laundry pile and toddler fights. We have always been so involved at church, even in a pastoral position for awhile, so it seems so foreign that in this season we are doing good to even make it to church with everyone dressed and no body sick. We choose to not leave our children in child care to go and serve because we prefer to do things as a family (and feel as though that's God's plan for us!), so that really limits our opportunity to be involved in a lot of outreach endeavors at this stage in our children's lives. I often wonder, how can I serve more? How can we give to God more? What can we do with 3 (soon to be 6!) small people in tow, two of whom are attached quite literally?!

An answer came to me this week. It may not be THE answer, as I think that we should live everyday ready to do more, to do anything Christ lays before us that day, but it is my answer for now. I was having a "your hands are full" conversation earlier this week with a stranger and shared that we are adopting from foster care. This person started crying, telling me that she had been adopted. She shared her story and had several questions for me about our process and the whys of it all. She stated several times before we parted ways that what we were doing touched her. My life, just being obedient to God, was ministering to someone. Our decision to honor God's word, "to care for the least of these", is bringing forth opportunities to share the gospel of Christ through conversations with complete strangers. I've had two of these times now, one in the checkout line in Sam's and one in the waiting room at the dentist. God is working, God is moving! My life is my ministry!

During this season I'm not serving in a soup kitchen or in the nursery, I'm not leading a bible study or even cleaning the church bathrooms. I've spent time doing those things before, and I know I will again. We would even gladly welcome the opportunity to serve God in full time ministry again as pastors should he choose to open that door. But right now, this day, I am in ministry a different way. I am loving my kids, I'm showing them how to love God, how to love others. And I'm able to share God's love with strangers through the story of our adoption process. How humbling and wondrous to see God use the simplest acts to glorify him! He is what matters! His love for others, being poured out through the lives of believers in Christ is all that matters!

On a side note, we have had another really great visit with our kids this weekend! We have our first overnight next weekend, and everyone is so excited for it!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Read Across Oklahoma

The zoo hosts an event every year called Read Across Oklahoma. It is sponsored by PBS and Target and it's goal is to promote literacy in early childhood. We had a fun time attending with our friends. We got to meet a few of our favorite characters, like Curious George, Super Why, and the Metro Library Mascot. The kids each got a free book and a finger puppet. We attended two story times, a concert, and even saw a few animals!

Apparently My Hands Are Full

I grocery shop about once a week. Add in an occasional trip to lowes with Daddy, and we're getting good use out of carts. I generally still wear L for the most part, but he is beginning to enjoy riding as well. It never fails (and I mean never, ever!), there are multiple people throughout the store that will stop us and say "You have your hands full!" I've started responding with "Yes, of good things!" Some people go on to ask if they are all mine, how old they all are, if I meant to have them so close together, if I'm done yet... It's interesting how bold people are about kids. I usually meet an older woman who tells me about her large family, and that's always fun! I can't wait to see what people say when there are 6 kids with me in the store!

New Accomplishments

B wrote his name for the first time, N has started using the potty, and L is crawling up steps! These are busy, busy boys!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cycling In Style

I told B he couldn't ride his bike with bare feet, and to put on socks and shoes...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ear Tubes

N and L have both struggled with some major ear issues this past winter. L has had multiple infections, one right after another. He has been pretty cranky. N had a couple of infections early on, and though they cleared up with medication, a lot of fluid remained, which was affecting his ability to hear and speak. So all these issues equal tubes for both boys. The surgeries went well, and both of them have clear ears now, thank you to Jesus!