Friday, January 4, 2013

Blog Beginnings...

Well, I've decided to dive into the world of blogging...well, tiptoe might be a better way to describe my venture. I'm not sure how well I'll keep up with it, nor how often or by whom it will be read, but I thought I'd give it a try. I guess my main goal is to share our lives with our family and friends using technology for easier access. It seems like everyone is so busy that spending time together is something that rarely happens, and often, when it does, the times are so far apart that the majority of the conversation is focused on "catching up". There are a lot of things that we do, that our children say, that we take pictures of, even decisions that we make that don't get shared with others due to a lack of interaction...but, we'd really like to share our lives more, thus the blogging! My goal is to post once a week, and that's pretty lofty given the fact that there are very few hours every week that I don't have someone small attached to me! I'm glad that you've decided to follow our story, and I hope that somewhere in all of my musings you find something encouraging, entertaining, or at least enjoyable to read!

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